How to Combat the Illusion of Control in Online Gambling

It is one of the most dangerous psychological biases linked to gambling. The illusion of control can lead gamblers to play without thinking, or thinking about consequences. It can also lead to addiction, and financial ruin.

Results from this study show that baseline Luck/Chance distortions can be linked to gambling problems, but the distortions due to Skills/Attitudes were not.

The illusion of control

An illusion of control can be one of the most commonly-cited mistakes in the mind that lead to problems with gambling. Control illusion is a cognitive error that leads to problem gambling. The incorrect assumption is particularly risky especially during periods of loss, as people are anxious and want to recoup their losses.

This means that they might engage in riskier behaviour and wager more money that they normally. In addition, they may get caught up in upward counterfactual thinking, which can cause them to believe that they could have won had they’d acted differently (Darke & Freedman, 1997a).

Additionally, it can trigger superstitious habits and rituals such as using certain phrases or touching prior to betting. So it’s crucial to learn about the psychology of luck in betting on online casinos, and to recognize as well as challenging the irrational beliefs and practices that may affect your decision-making.


The 12bet gamblers are often influenced by superstitions concerning their actions. They might rub their rabbit’s foot or wear lucky socks or even a particular team’s jersey in order to boost their chances of winning. Some gamblers will even give themselves a whirl to bring them good luck. These superstitions represent the availability theorizing that happens when individuals take their judgments and actions on readily available information.

One of the most popular gambling myths is the idea that someone could make more money had only lucky. It is a form of upward counterfactual reasoning, according to researchers. It can result in an overly optimistic expectation that you can win. It can also be detrimental to gambling behaviors, and it can be a cause of pathological gamble. An investigation (Holub et al. 2003) of the link with counterfactual thoughts and upwards gambling behaviour found that those with higher levels of counterfactual upward thinking were more likely to have smaller winnings than those who had less.

The randomness of patterns and the pattern recognition

It’s not difficult to get swept up in online betting excitement and thrills. However, although luck certainly has its place in the game, there’s also plenty that you control.

For example, when the chance of a close call (like an almost-win) happens, it will cause a feeling of excitement. In turn, this fuels the gambler’s desire to keep gambling, hoping victory will be within reach. This is known as “chasing losing” and could lead to more losses, or even psychological problems.

According to research, one reason the reason this behavior is due to the fact that individuals often generalize personal control. They also use shortcuts or heuristics to help their decisions and judgements. The heuristic of availability is one of them. It is a tendancy to make decisions based on the information readily accessible. The tendency to base decisions on readily available information can be tempered through the use of upward counterfactual reasoning.

Emotional Impact

Gambling can be a complicated game, in which wins and loss will occur. The gambler may be anxious or frustrated when losing. It could lead to an endless cycle of emotion that can prevail over rational decision-making. Cognitive distortions, such as illusions of control, or the gambler’s fallacy could be used.

Religious rituals, myths, and disinformation can create an illusion of security when skill and luck seem to be in conflict, and luck is the only thing in charge. It is crucial to challenge and identify these false belief systems to minimize their adverse impacts on gambling.

Positive mindsets are the key for success in online gaming, since it will help gamblers overcome negative emotions and remain confidence in their capabilities. This can also encourage them to take strategic, higher-risk ways of playing, which can result in significant winnings. Our study revealed that, despite the fact that gambling concerns were not correlated to the level of faith in luck at the 6-month and baseline points however, they were strongly connected with positive counterfactual thoughts.